Friday, January 06, 2006


In my life i've known few
that i can call "friend" for true.
They that had the courage to impart,
their opinions when from lifes' road i seemed to depart.
They that saw the human when i fell,
and when i was the hero, they still could tell.
They that understood my simplicity
thought by some a great complexity.
I will be there when you need me,
as you were when i was in need.
And even though this poem talks too much of me,
tis to them i write this with much gratitude and glee.
Thank you for being my friend,
I am yours to the very end.


Generally this world is trash,
everything and everyone is ruled by cash.
Generally many are lost
in beer,in lust,in a world past.
Generally there is no justice,
just a set of fallacies we all agree to practice.
Generally people are never themselves,
just imitations of stars with lots of pride and wealth.
Generally loves a laugh,
if all she sees is the wealth you have.
Generally thats my view,
and its time to drop my pen and listen to you.

Because you are here

Because you are here i can smile,
because you are here, if only for a little while.
Because you are here hope can grow,
in a heart that had never it known.
Because you are here the sun can shine,
the greying clouds, a fading memory of mine.
Because you are here my tears of sadness cease to flow,
those of joy in the light of day glow.
Because you are here i can stand
because i know, you truely understand.
Because you are here ...even if only just for a little while.