Thursday, November 06, 2008

In the beginning

In the beginning was her smile,
Caught my eye, it held for a while
Her beauty,

A flash of a thought,
slow feet.
From walk to trot,
approached i.
to put name to face,
face to from
her whereabouts to know

In the beginning.
a game,
that goes by common name
the hunt,
the chase,
caught in the intrigues.
of numbers,
impulsive adventures,
nocturnal chats,
palatable excitement.

In the beginning,
was not intent,
such intense.
to carry her heart in mine.

In the beginning
she was she.
i was i.
the her and me.

The Split

Today i broke her heart,
told her we should part.
Because of me she cried a river
wondering why id want to leave her.
Today she prayed for mercy,
and i for forgiveness,
...and as i left she asked me "why"
"Goodbye!" my only reply.